Thursday, August 30, 2007

Taking Screen Shots in Linux

Often one needs to take a snapshot of something, usually a window, in the computer screen, for registering, for example, something that is shown in screen (an error message, some fabulous work you have done, or your incredibly beautiful desktop layout). My favorite for this is to use ksnapshot , available in the KDE desktop system, but several others programs are available. A useful list of these is available in this page, which focus on the ubuntu distribution but is also valid for other Linux distributions.

The KSnapshot Application

But one called my attention. Screen Grab, an add-on for Firefox, which makes it possible to take a screenshot of a web page being visited by Firefox. Its usefulness is due to the fact that it saves not only what is being shown on the screen, but also the hidden parts, too (if the web page is longer than can be displayed in one window), that is, of the whole web page! Before stumbling on this add-on I had to painstakingly take as many screen shots of the Firefox window (after maximizing it as much as possible, with full screen enabled and all toolbars disabled) and then stitch them back using gimp. Now it is much simpler and the end result is much better. Definitely worth a look. Enjoy!



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